University of Bamberg

The University of Bamberg is a mid-size University with an academic profile clearly rooted in the humanities, social and economic sciences, human sciences and application-oriented computer sciences.
The Faculty of Humanities ( GuK) combines branches of linguistic and literary studies with subjects such as Archaeology, Building Construction Research and Heritage Conservation, European Ethnology, Geography, History, Communication Science, Art History and Philosophy. Since 1978, subjects in the Social Sciences, Economics, and Business Administration faculty ( SoWi) have represented the university’s largest areas of study and research focus; the Social Sciences department, with its focus on empirical research methods, is held in particularly high esteem throughout the German academic community. Human learning, experience, behavior and actions are at the center of the Faculty of Human Sciences and Education ( HuWi), in which Psychology and Educational Science are the primary subjects. The most recently added faculty, Information Systems and Applied Computer Sciences ( WIAI), has expanded the university’s subject spectrum to include modern, interdisciplinary computer science fields which round out the overall academic profile of the humanities and the social and economic sciences.