University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden

Regionally, nationally, internationally - scientists of the University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden cooperate with partners all over the world in research projects. Students are thus prepared optimally for their professional, working and everyday lives.
Application-oriented research, as well as active knowledge and technology transfer, are imperative for high-quality teaching - also with regard to the fast progress in science and technology. The hands-on approach to both research and teaching at the University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden is significant for the working world and is oriented to concrete occupational areas and practise problems. The applied research supports teaching and links up the competences in the university. Cooperative PhD projects are often a part of research projects.
The University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden is a partner above all for small and medium-sized enterprises in the Southern Thuringian region - on the one hand as a "talent foundry" for trained research- and practise-related specialists and, on the other hand, as a partner for solving application-oriented research questions. In both cases the University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden guarantees fast and precise transfer of knowledge and technology between science and industry. These cooperations open up a direct access to new practise-related research results to enterprises and institutions. Companies and organisations can therefore assert themselves better on the global market.
The University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden demonstrates its research competence in two main areas:
- adaptive systems for biosignal analysis
- tool and mould construction
- tool and mould construction
Together with universities and research institutions, as well as with partners in industry, the University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden searches for innovative solutions and, in so doing, ensures the development of products, processes and services which are in line with the market. Partners in the research network include Gesellschaft für Fertigungstechnik und Entwicklung (GFE) e.V., Technologie- und Gründerzentrum Schmalkalden (which is responsible for a large number of business start-ups) and the Technical University Ilmenau with its numerous partners and associated institutes.