University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW

 The University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW is one of eight state-accredited universities of applied sciences in Switzerland. Its nine schools all meet federal requirements by offering:

  • Degree-level programmes of study
  • Continuing education (Diplomas of Advanced Studies, Certificates of Advanced Studies)
  • Application-oriented research and development
  • Services to third-parties
  • Collaboration with other schools of higher education/research facilities in Switzerland and abroad
Higher-education experts in Switzerland and abroad have attested to the FHNW’s high degree of professionalism and quality by means of quality-assurance peer reviews.

The FHNW was formed from a merger in 2006 of diverse tertiary institutions long established throughout the northwestern region of Switzerland: three Universities of Applied Sciences (Aargau, Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft, and Solothurn), the School of Education of Solothurn and the School of Education and Social Sciences of Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft and the Academy of Music Basel. Switzerland’s Federal Council authorised the establishment of the FHNW in 2003 and approved all of its existing programmes of study.