Ruhr University Bochum

Located in the midst of the dynamic, hospitable metropolitan area of the Ruhr, in the heart of Europe, the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) with its 20 faculties, RUB’s disciplinary institutional units, is home to 5,000 employees and over 36,500 students from 130 countries. All the great scientific disciplines are united on one compact campus.
The RUB is on its way to becoming one of the leading European universities of the 21st Century. Almost all courses are offered as Bachelor and Master degree programmes. Our excellence programmes have made themselves an international name: Our Research School is an international college for structured doctoral research in the life sciences, natural sciences, engineering, the humanities and social sciences. Interfaculty and interdisciplinary Research Departments, which are mutually, nationally and internationally networked, sharpen the profile of the RUB. Added to this is an unsurpassed programme for the promotion of Early Career Researchers, and an excellent infrastructure.
What makes it all come alive is the people who meet on campus with their thirst for knowledge, their curiosity, and their commitment. They help shape the RUB and their open-mindedness makes the RUB an attractive place for people from around the world.
Guiding principle of the RUB
The trio of values, people-centred – cosmopolitan – high-performance, represent the cornerstones of the RUB environment. This space is more than just the sum of its individual elements: Pepople-centred and cosmopolitan means to respect diverse cultures and to give guests a home. People-centred and high-powered means jointly developing creative forces, to “tackle” things with verve and ambition.
“Campus RUB” is the contemporary universitas – the community in which people take centre stage.
Living universitas
The members of the universitas teach others and, at the same time, learn from each other – whether in science, studies, engineering, or management. Universitas promotes and demands codetermination from everyone – a far cry from academic or hierarchical structures. Living universitas is: When students in the eTutoring project plan courses; when the promotional funding line of the research fund is judged solely by doctoral students; the uncomplicated interaction of researchers from various disciplines.