Pädagogische Hochschule Vorarlberg

The Vorarlberg University of Education (Pädagogische Hochschule Vorarlberg) is a comprehensive competence center for teachers and educationally oriented people in Vorarlberg, Austria.
At the Feldkirch site Bachelor programs for teacher-education of primary and secondary schools as well as in-service teacher training for the approximately 6,500 teachers of all school types in the Vorarlberg region are offered. Programs also include the training of “Recreational pedagogues”. A variety of partner schools enable students to gain practical experience with consultation and guidance from experts from the field.
The Vorarlberg University of Education was founded on 29 September 2007 as a merger of formerly seperate institutions of teacher education and teacher in-service training. The official full operation started on 1 October 2007.
Contact details
Pädagogische Hochschule Vorarlberg
Liechtensteiner Straße 33
6800 Feldkirch
T 0043 (0)5522 / 31199
F 0043 (0)5522 / 31199 - 550
Liechtensteiner Straße 33
6800 Feldkirch
T 0043 (0)5522 / 31199
F 0043 (0)5522 / 31199 - 550