The LabEx G-EAU-THERMIE PROFONDE is a research program on deep geothermal energy founded by the French Ministry of Research and Education in the framework of the «Laboratories of Excellence» initiative.
The laboratory of excellence G-EAU-THERMIE PROFONDE contributes to the development of the use of deep geothermal energy, a source of renewable energy, thanks to a better knowledge of deep geothermal reservoirs and new technologies for exploitation.
Since 2012, the LabEx G-EAU-THERMIE PROFONDE is a joint project industry/university, headed by the University of Strasbourg. It has a French ministry funding of 3 million for 8 years.
The project aims to develop knowledge in the geothermal field by bringing together academic skills (EOST/ICUBE) and industrial expertise (ES/GEIE) to study the structure of deep geothermal reservoirs of the Upper Rhine Graben.
+ Funding
A French ministry funding (from National Research Agency - ANR) of 3 000 000 € is dedicated to research, education, observation and academic and industrial valorization. Industrial partners co-fund development actions up to 1 700 000€ in the framework of the COGEOS consortium (EOST/ES-G). They also sponsor communication on fundamental research on deep geothermal energy up to 400 000€ in the frame of the Foundation of the University of Strasbourg.
+ Objectives
- Scientific: Develop research projects on exploration, geothermal circulation, stimulation and development of the reservoir
- Education: Transfert knowledge to students through specialized courses (Master degree, Engineering schools and other University Diploma)
- Observatory: Archive of data collected from the regional geothermal sites and diffusion to the scientific community