The scientific strategy of the multidisciplinary scientific programme of DISTALZ is organised from bench to society along four major axes where the wide and complementary expertise of DISTALZ partners gives rise to multi-directional approaches allowing filling up the main gaps in our understanding of the Alzheimer’s disease pathology.
In the field of education and training, DISTALZ has initiated several programs devoted specifically to scientific and clinical training in the field of genomic, neurobiology, medicine, psychology and ethics. Some of these programs were created de novo to present a new original training and academic offer that was not available before. Such achievement was possible thanks to the momentum created around DISTALZ scientific expertise and original assemble. This program has been developed along five major educational axes.
- The development of an AD-specific academic program in existing regional masters and the contact with other European universities maintained.
- An international summer school targeting physicians and scientists with a major interest in AD and neurological disorders, has been implemented as part of an educational program covering both theoretical and practical aspects. This educational program will be renewed every two years.
- In the field of social and healthcare sciences, thematic workshops have been organized around the theme of anticipation of dementia diagnosis. Each year, a DISTALZ research day is organized during the National Summer University on Ethics in AD and neurodegenerative diseases. It was attended in 2014 by more than 200 participants from various background.
- A specific training course that could help to harmonize best practice in medical, paramedical and social care, to network professionals centers and memory consultations and to improve participation in cohorts and clinical studies is in progress.