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Istituto Nanoscienze

The Institute Nanoscience, recently established, consists of three former INFM centers: NEST of Pisa, NNL of Lecce, and S3 of Modena. The primary objective of the Institute is the fundamental study and the manipulation of systems on nanometric scale.

The research activities include

  • the synthesis and the fabrication of nanostructures and devices,
  • the experimental and computational-theoretical study of their properties and functionality, and of their interfaces with the meso and microscopic scale, and their integration in complex functional systems.
The acquired knowledge will be used to elaborate multidisciplinary applications in several fields, in particular energy and atmosphere, nano(bio)technologies, nano-medicine, also through the development of technologies and prototypes of industrial interest and, in some fields, of pre-production.

The Institute contributes also to the communication and the education in the nanoscience.

Characteristic feature of the Institute is the strong collaboration with Universities, centers of research, and Italian and foreign companies.

Besides the Scuola Normale of Pisa, the University of Salento, and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, which host the Institute, we have common projects with MIT, the University of Harvard, UC Berkeley, UC San Diego, Columbia, Princeton, Toronto, USP-Saint Paul, Cambridge, Oxford, Paris-Diderot 7, Hamburg, LMU and TU-Monaco, Trinity College (Dublin), Costanz, Basel, Lund, Helsinki, Tel Aviv, Huji, École Normale Supérieure, LPN-CNRS, JNC-Bangalore, Institute for Microstructural Sciences CNRC-Ottawa, Weizmann, ETH, IIT, Aeronautical Alenia, Ferrari, Selex Integrated Systems, STMicroelectronics, Sanofi-Aventis and Sienabiotech with several other Italian and European PMI.