Institute of environmental biology and biotechnology (iBEB)

The iBEB is dedicated to setting up a unified approach towards environmental issues at different scales (from molecular to whole-body level) applied to different biological targets including bacteria, plants and human cells.
The iBEB employs 160 permanent research staff operating via the CEA’s Rhone Valley Centres and extending to the South and South-West regions of France.
The iBEB employs 160 permanent research staff operating via the CEA’s Rhone Valley Centres and extending to the South and South-West regions of France.
- study how living organisms respond and adapt to environmental stresses and toxins (both biotic and abiotic) in order to control and counteract the impacts, predict and detect the repercussions on humans and our environment, and use innovative methods to identify potential treatments. This key research supplies the structural and biological data needed to build rational models of risk analysis,
- research and optimize mechanisms for producing high-energy molecules (hydrogen, lipids, biomass, etc.) using microalgae, cyanobacteria or higher plants in order to create new biofuels,
- develop robust techniques and innovative new concepts for identifying and screening toxins in degraded environments (genetic and biochemical kits and reagents, cellular models, etc.). The convergence and complementarity (agribusiness, public health and the environment) in the partnership networks between these two departments is expected to promote industry-sector spin-off for the research being led.