Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences

Our institution is a dynamic and highly committed university of applied sciences. Since its foundation in 1994, Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences offers a wide range of programs that prepare students to use scientific methods in their professional career. Excellent learning and working conditions create the necessary framework for a short period of study and a high level of success.
The impressive campus, completed in 1999, is defined by its glass architecture, large green spaces and the functionality of the buildings. The expansion of the campus into the neighboring area, planned for 2011, will provide more space for our increasing number of students. The first construction phase will include two buildings for lecture and seminar rooms, laboratories and offices.
The quality of European universities is assessed every year. The CHE – Centre for Higher Education Development makes an evaluation of the selected programs on the basis of five criteria. For several years, Ingolstadt University has enjoyed its position in the leading group of university ranking. The survey results show our particular performance according to the following criteria: practice orientation, computer and laboratory equipment, range of services and study situation.
Furthermore, most of our students are very proud of the reputation of Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences. Universum Student Survey questioned in this respect a number of 19 000 students from universities across Germany. 91% of Ingolstadt students were satisfied with the teaching quality and 87% assessed the framework conditions at Ingolstadt University by far above average. University support in establishing business contacts and a semester spent abroad during their studies have been particularly positively evaluated by our students.
Ingolstadt University is also very proud of its students’ top evaluation of their study situation. This is our best guarantee that it is really great to study here!
The dual study model is the optimum twofold combination of theory and practice. The joint study combines regular Bachelor’s studies with vocational or trade training; the study combined with immerged internship focuses on a comprehensive practical training within companies, which is not completed with a degree, like the vocational training. The main target group consists of top-performing and highly committed students, who want to gain practical experience within a company. Dual study contributes to the training of executives who can provide all necessary technical/trade competence and practical experience from the very beginning of their career.
Ingolstadt University supports and develops its dual study program in close cooperation with prestigious business partners. At the moment, Ingolstadt University provides the largest number of dual students of all Bavarian universities of applied sciences.
Ingolstadt University supports and develops its dual study program in close cooperation with prestigious business partners. At the moment, Ingolstadt University provides the largest number of dual students of all Bavarian universities of applied sciences.
The international profile of Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences is best reflected in its mission and targets. We strive to meet the highest standards in all areas of research, teaching and management, taking into account the increasing globalization and the educational expectations of our students, business partners and society. At the moment, each third graduate from Ingolstadt University has spent at least one semester of study or internship abroad.
The Institute for Applied Research (IAF) was founded in order to support all activities related to the area of research. Professors from Ingolstadt University supported by graduates in their position as research assistants conduct in our institute publicly subsidized and industry financed research projects. Over 50 research fellows, a yearly increasing annual turnover, four published research reports and various publications, conference presentations and awards (e.g. Bavarian Innovation Award, 2008) stand for the rapid development of IAF since its foundation.
Further education and training became central issues for Ingolstadt University because of the high innovative tempo and the rapid progress of knowledge in all professional fields. The Institute of Executive Education (IAW), founded in 2008, focuses on a wide range of activities in the field of further education and offers a large number of training programs and events. These are aimed at professionals who want to gain further qualifications alongside their work. The IAW offer ranges from extra-occupational Master’s programs over degree certificates (e.g. International Summer Academy) and customized corporate programs to events and public lectures.