IfADo Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors

Challenges of modern work
The working world is in constant change; however, human physiology does not change and this results in friction between work and individuals. As a result, new and adequate responses and solutions are needed. Since its foundation, the IfADo identifies its constantly changing tasks through the changing working environment. Scientific research in this field helps to prevent work-related diseases and improve human performance.

Research and practice
The IfADo investigates demands of the modern work with a wide interdisciplinary range of ergonomics, immunology, toxicology, psychology and neurosciences. This professional diversity enable us to look for soulitions and explanatations concerning following topics:

  • burnout
  • age-related power drop
  • toxical risks
  • immune system
  • neurological basics
  • musculo-skeletal disorders
  • human-machine interfaces