Iceland Academy of the Arts

The Iceland Academy of the Arts is a self-governing institution providing higher education in fine arts, theatre, dance , music, design, architecture and art education.
Role and Objectives
The role of the Iceland Academy of the Arts is to encourage progressive thinking in the arts and to stimulate innovation and development in different fields. The Academy offers education in the arts at the university level and conveys both knowledge and professionalism in the arts to Icelandic society. It operates in a global environment and measures itself against academies that excel in arts education in neighbouring countries.
The role of the Iceland Academy of the Arts is to encourage progressive thinking in the arts and to stimulate innovation and development in different fields. The Academy offers education in the arts at the university level and conveys both knowledge and professionalism in the arts to Icelandic society. It operates in a global environment and measures itself against academies that excel in arts education in neighbouring countries.
Three main values guide the focus and direction of the Academy in all of its work:
- Curiosity
- Understanding
- Courage
Curiosity prompts us to ask questions and search for new approaches, solutions and answers. We dissect those answers and strive to understand what is foreign to us. Through understanding and training we develop the talents and skills we require. In that way we strengthen our courage to follow through on our convictions and our artistic vision.