Harstad University College

Harstad University College (HiH) was established in 1983 and is a part of the higher public education system in Norway. HiH has approximately 1300 students and a staff around 120.
HiH offers a friendly and intimate atmosphere. It is easy to get to know other students as well as staff members, and the university college is characterized by a high level of student activity.
Our modern facilities accommodate most of the activities under one roof, centrally and beautifully located close to the city centre and the harbor.

Harstad – a gem north of the polar circle
Located on the biggest island of Norway - “Hinnøya” - and in the northern county Troms, Harstad is with its 23 000 inhabitants the third biggest town in Northern Norway. It has a lot to offer to its citizens and visitors. Every morning tourists enjoying the most beautiful cruise voyage in the world - from Bergen in the south to Kirkenes in the north and back - make a stop at the port of Harstad with the famous north - and southbound coastal steamer. Although Harstad is part of the Arctic, the climate here near the 69th parallel is much milder than it could be expected as the warm Golf stream in the Atlantic Ocean passes along the coastline. The colours of nature and the contrasts between summer and winter are unique - unlike what you find anywhere else in the world.

During summer the Arctic turns green .The vegetation flourishes and the sun never sets from the end of May until the middle of July. During winter time a snowy landscape dominates the scene for about seven months and the sun never rises above the horizon from the end of November until the middle of January. On cold, clear winter nights the sky is illuminated by the fluorescent northern lights. No wonder the region attracts tourists throughout the whole year.

Nature and outdoor activities
Nature is omnipresent wherever you go in Harstad. The beautiful scenery can be enjoyed in many ways during winter and summer. The region offers rich outdoor activity opportunities - whether you want to go fishing or kayaking in the fjords and lakes, hiking in the woods and mountains or go cross country and downhill skiing.

Cultural capital of the north and gate to the Vesterålen and Lofoten
Although Harstad itself is only a little older than 100 years, the settlement on the Trondenes peninsula goes back to the stone age and has been an important political centre during the Viking age and medieval times. Today Harstad is a centre of commerce and known for cultural events throughout the year. The highlight of the year is the North Norwegian Festival of Culture - hosted in June. The Vesterålen and Lofoten islands, a couple of hours drive from Harstad, are world-famous for spectacular landscapes, stockfish and whale watching.