Fraunhofer IAIS, Sankt Augustin

The amount of data and information available in digital form is growing at breathtaking speed. This growth is driven mainly by the following trends in technology and society: the digitization of media and processes, the ubiquitous availability of intelligent devices and sensors, the advancement of autonomous agents acting instead of human beings, and the democratization of information production through the World Wide Web where data users become data producers. This flood of data creates competitive advantage for all those who are able to analyze and leverage these data in a purposeful way in order to use them for quality and efficiency improvement or for generating entirely new products and services.

With its workforce of nearly 280 employees, Fraunhofer IAIS combines the competences and scientific qualities of all engineering disciplines – especially informatics, and mathematics, natural sciences, business economics, geo and social sciences – with profound industry expertise.

The IAIS, based in Sankt Augustin near Bonn, resulted from the merger of the former AIS and IMK Fraunhofer institutes in 2006. With a budget of approx. 20 million euros the institute implements application solutions in the fields of machine learning, multimedia pattern recognition, visual analytics, process intelligence, adaptive robotics and cooperating objects.