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Fraunhofer CBP, Leuna

In view of the finite nature of fossil resources, the growing demand for resources and climate change, the use of renewable raw materials has acquired great significance. The Fraunhofer Center for Chemical-Biotechnological Processes CBP in Leuna closes the gap between the pilot plant and industrial implementation. By making infrastructure and plants / miniplants available, the Fraunhofer CBP makes it possible for cooperation partners from research and industry to develop and scale processes for utilizing renewable raw materials up to an industrial scale. Thus the Fraunhofer CBP represents a hitherto unique platform for the development of new processes up to and including productrelevant dimensions, with a direct link to the chemical industry on the one hand and to Fraunhofer research on the other.

The center provides modular process capacities up to 10 m3 plus a wide range of processing, treatment and reconditioning techniques. Focus is laid on the use of vegetable oils, the disintegration of lignocelluloses and the production of technical enzymes. The Fraunhofer CBP is a branch of the Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB in Stuttgart.