EM Strasbourg Business School

EM Strasbourg Business School distinguishes itself by being the only business school in France that is part of an academic center of excellence, the University of Strasbourg. Our identity is defined by a forward-looking and novel vision of the socio-economic world and its environment. Join us!
EM Strasbourg is unique
- 5 education programs (Bachelors, Grande Ecole, Masters Universitaires, Doctorate, Executive Education)
- 2900 students, 80 teaching staff, 103 administrative staff, 500 teaching corporate executives
- More than 170 partner companies and organizations
- 200 exchange programs in 55 countries
Key figures in 2015:
- 33 Professor-researchers publishing
- 45 academic articles CNRS/FNEGE and 87* CNRS
- 8 research books
- 1 research book supervised
- 7 chapters in research books
- 5 case studies
- 2 doctoral theses completed
- 1 HDR defense
Professor-researchers are welcomed within two Research Laboratories attached to the EM Strasbourg Business School : Large and Humanis :
Large is directed by Professor Laurent Weill around 4 priority research areas in finance : Economy and Banking Finance; Behavioral Finance; Corporate Finance; Public Finance.
Humanis is directed by Professor Thierry Nobre around 3 research areas : Public and hospital management and performance; Corporate Social Responsibility; Marketing , Information and Communications Technology.