Centre de Génétique Moléculaire

The unit “Centre de Génétique Moléculaire” is directed by Frédéric Boccard, Directeur de Recherche in CNRS.

The CGM is a leading French Biological Science unit from CNRS interested in studying the nature, the structure, the expression and the implementation of genetic information (www.cgm.cnrs-gif.fr). Current projects involve various model systems : prokaryotic cells, unicellular eukaryotes, invertebrate and vertebrate metazoans, ex vivo eukaryotic cells. The scientific strategies of CGM teams involve approaches as diverse as genetics, genomics and post-genomics, molecular biology, cellular biology, biochemistry and bioinformatics.

Around the central theme of Molecular Genetics, our research unit is organized in about 20 teams arranged in 4 departments :

  • department Regulation and Compartmentalization of Cellular Functions (RCFC) under the leadership of Prof. Annie Sainsard-Chanet ;
  • department Cellular Dynamics and Development (DDC) under the leadership of Dr. Jacques Montagne ;
  • department Dynamics and Stability of Genomes (DSG) under the leadership of Dr. Bénédicte Michel ;
  • department Gene Expression (EDG) under the leadership of Dr. Domenico Libri.
The CGM staff is composed of about 150 personals including about 60 scientists and professors (from CNRS, Inserm, University Paris-Sud, University Pierre et Marie Curie, University Denis Diderot, University Versailles St-Quentin), about 50 doctoral students and post-docs and about 40 engineers and technicians (CNRS). About one hundred students receive training in the unit every year.