
«Thinking about the future of health and care»

As one of the leading institutions for future-oriented issues relating to education in the healthcare sector, Careum aims to provide new impetus to continuing education and training in order to sufficiently prepare future actors in the healthcare sector for the tasks they will face.

Established in 1882 as the «Stiftung Schwesternschule und Krankenhaus vom Roten Kreuz in Zürich Fluntern», a nursing college and hospital, the Careum Foundation now sees itself as an organisation which promotes dialogue between the various stakeholders in the healthcare sector through targeted events, and which invests in young talents who are envisioning the future  of health and care. According to its articles of association, the object of the foundation is as follows: «The Foundation promotes education in healthcare through innovation and development.»

Through its three divisions, Careum R+D, Careum Publishing, and Careum Patient Education, as well as its involvement in the Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences Department of Health, the Careum Bildungszentrum (Training Centre) and Careum Weiterbildung (Further Education), Careum trains, educates and advises students and teaching staff, partners and decision-makers as well as patients and their families, across different levels of education.

Careum is an independent foundation, financed by the income from the foundation assets. Large-scale projects are realised in association with partners.

Careum has made it its mission to provide a material impetus to the further development of the healthcare system. To achieve this, Careum calls upon people to think about the future of health and care and, as an independent foundation, it makes ground-breaking contributions in this area.

Careum endeavours to show how trends establish themselves in the healthcare sector and how they can be translated into specific education policy projects. The aim is to provide relevant inspiration, and to develop approaches that show how an active contribution can be made towards shaping the future of health and care, and particularly of education in this area.

Careum events
Through the Careum Congress, the Careum Forum, and the Careum Dialogue, Careum offers attractive platforms for exchanging ideas on forward-looking issues relevant to health and care within society. The various events, whose up-to-date topics are tailored to the respective target audience, provide an opportunity to engage in a focussed discussion with interested experts from the field.

Careum promotion programmes
In line with the object of the Foundation, Careum's promotion programmes are devoted to education in the healthcare system. They encompass the promotion of young professionals and talents at various levels of education and training: Harkness/Careum Fellowship programme, Careum Stipendium (a scholarship), mentoring programme, «Biochemical Ethics/Nursing Ethics» Ph. D. programme.